State Agency “Research Laboratory for Nature Protection” (RLNP) formed by Decree of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan #189 in April, 24 2008, based on the structure of the Committee for Environment Protection of Tajikistan (CEP).

RLNP is a research unit of the CEP created to a comprehensive study of the issues on state of nature protection, ecology, environmental management and scientific basis of environmental activity work.

RLNPs’ main goal is study, conservation and scientific justification of nature use activities for environmental protection.


  • study the impact of anthropogenic pressures on natural ecosystems;

  • study of rare and endemic species that are under extinction;

  • participation and monitoring of ecosystems;

  • preparation of ecological maps;

  • creation of scientific database on ecology and environmental protection, natural resources, climate change;

  • carrying out research studies on the state of natural resources;

  • participation in national and regional environmental assessments;

  • the publication of results in scientific works, monographs and other sources of scientific and technical products;

  • development of research programs on conservation and ecology;

  • participation in the implementation of global, regional and national environmental programs;

  • conduction of conferences, seminars, round tables on ecological and environmental issues;

  • development of scientific and practical, methodical, project documents relating to environmental management and the principles of conservation and improvement of natural resources;

  • within its financial capacity leads publishing works that are not contrary to the legislation.