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- Convention on biological diversity
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
Key Biodiversity Areas
National Reports
Climate change modeling
Landscape approach
- CBD Clearing-House Mechanism
- Convention on Biological Diversity
Subsidiary Body on Implementation
Working Group on Protected Areas
- Databases
Species variety
Fossil Fauna and Flora
The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
- Public Awareness, Education and Participation
- COP-MOP decisions on public awareness and participation
- Risk Assessment
- COP-MOP decisions on risk assessment
- Roster of Experts
- COP-MOP decisions on the roster of experts
- Socio-economic Considerations
- COP-MOP decisions on socio-economic considerations
- The Nagoya – Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
- COP-MOP decisions on liability and redress
- О Протоколе
- Текст Протокола
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- Обработка, транспортировка, упаковка и идентификация
- Решения по вопросам обработки, транспортировки, упаковки и идентификации
- Мониторинг и отчетность
- Решения по мониторингу и отчетности
- The Biosafety Clearing-House
- Biosafety COP-MOP
- Databese
Roster of experts
The Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Genetic Resources
- The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing
- Nagoya Protocol COP-MOP
- The Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House
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Online pertit system
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- National Steering Committee Meeting: Steps to Conserving Agrobiodiversity and Food Sustainability in Tajikistan
- World Food Day
- FAO and the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan opened a seed bank of local crop varieties in Ra
- In a special edition of the radio program "Rural Life”, FAO advocates for preserving local biodiversity
- Working meeting of the Interdepartmental Group to consider issues of developing a National Program for the Conservation of Agrobiological Diversity of
- Review of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
- Participation of the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan at the session of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (WG2020-4) in Nairobi, Kenya
- Conference dedicated to the International Biodiversity Day "Building a common future for our lives"
- Зодрузи Устоди зиндаёд!
- Participation of the delegation of Tajikistan at the Plenary session on the Review of the effectiveness of processes under the Convention and its prot
- Meeting of the delegation of Tajikistan with Avaaz organization on cooperation in the field of biodiversity and mobilization of financial resources, G
- Participation of the delegation of Tajikistan at the Plenary meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technological Advice of the Convention on Bi
- Meeting of the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan with representatives of Zoi International in the framework of the Convention on Biological Div
- Participation of the delegation of Tajikistan at the Plenary meeting on cooperation with other Conventions, Capacity Building under the Nagoya Protoco
- Participation of the Tajik delegation in the meeting of the Bureau of the Convention and meeting with the President of the Conference of the Parties t
- Statement of the Delegation of Tajikistan at the Plenary Session of the Working Group (WG2020-3) on Digital Sequence Information (DSI) and Revised Dra
- Participation and speech of the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan at the plenary meeting of the 24th session of the Subsidiary Body on Scientif
- Participation and statement of the Delegation of Tajikistan in the Plenary Session of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI-3) in Geneva, Switzer
- Participation of the delegation of Tajikistan at the Garden Event on “Key Biodiversity Areas” within the framework of the session of the Subsidiary Bo
- Participation of the delegation of Tajikistan to the Session of the Subsidiary Body for the Implementation of the Convention (SBI-3) 14 to 29 March in
- Participation of the delegation of the Republic of Tajikistan in the sessions of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (SBSTTA-24), (SBI-3), (WG-2
- Практики устойчивого управления экосистемами снежного барса и улучшение благосостояния местных общин
- Dushanbe hosted the 14th Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the Forum for Cooperation between Central Asia and the Republic of Korea
- The snow leopard festival was held in the village of Sarichashma in Sh. Shokhi region
- Seminar-training on wildlife and animal life monitoring by using smart patrols mobile information technology was conducted in Dushanbe
- Second National Workshop on Biosafety Clearing-House Mechanism
- We are part of the #ForNature solution. International Day for Biological Diversity 22 May
- Joint meeting to study the text of the Message of the Leader of the Nation to the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan
- Паёми Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Пешвои миллат, муҳтарам Эмомалӣ Раҳмон ба Маҷлиси Олии Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон
- Сада - предвестник Навруза!
- Snow Leopard Day was celebrated in Dushanbe
- Создана русская версия информационного видеоролика “Мониторинг использования генетических ресурсов”
- Таджикистан принимает участие в разработке Глобальной рамочной программы в области биоразнообразия в 2020 году
- Республиканская научная конференция "Адаптация живых организмов к изменяющимся условиям окружающей среды"
- Meeting of the National Center for Biodiversity and Biosafety following the results of the first half of 2020
- Working meeting of the National Committee for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of the Snow Leopard Ecosystems
- Test
- Training course on approaches to conservation of forest biological resources
- Conference on "Snow leopard protection through effective environmental management"
- Meetings
- Biosafety and Environment: Introduction to Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
- Protecting national heritage of Tajikistan!
- On the way to preserve the snow leopard
- Newsletter on snow leopard initiative in Tajikistan (Oct.-Dec. 2017)
- Newsletter on snow leopard conservation initiative in Tajikistan (Jan.-Mar. 2018)
- Snow leopard conservation on the Pamir
- Newsletter on snow leopard conservation initiative in Tajikistan (April - June 2018)
- "Snow leopard - national treasure of Tajikistan"
- Newsletter on snow leopard conservation initiative in Tajikistan (Jan.-Mar. 2018)
- Snow Bars