
Опубликовано: 11/2/2020 9:59:53 AM
In this brochure readers can get acquainted with general information about features of a rare predator living in the highlands of Tajikistan - a snow

Опубликовано: 11/2/2020 9:57:09 AM
The brochure describes successful results achieved under the UNDP-GEF initiative on the snow leopard conservation in Tajikistan. Readers can learn mor

Опубликовано: 11/2/2020 9:53:43 AM
The bulletin reflects information on the project results for the period October-December 2017 in various aspects, in particular, setting photo traps,

Опубликовано: 11/2/2020 9:50:36 AM
For the period January-March 2018 the project team achieved significant results. The bulletin included information on the project progress in strength

Опубликовано: 11/2/2020 9:45:10 AM
Prepared brochure includes results achieved during the project field trip to the Pamir. The main purpose of the passed visit was to assess capacity of

Опубликовано: 11/2/2020 9:42:15 AM
The bulletin includes a more detailed description of project results for the period from April to July, 2018, and is intended for dissemination among

Опубликовано: 11/2/2020 9:26:47 AM
In order to increase the level of knowledge and awareness of a wide range of readers about the snow leopard, an information product has been prepared.