Seminar-training on wildlife and animal life monitoring by using smart patrols mobile information technology was conducted in Dushanbe

  • 7/29/2021 9:05:51 AM
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On July 27-28, 2021, in accordance with the goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity and work plan of the National Biodiversity and Biosafety Center, in collaboration with the National Center of Actions on Environmental Protection for the introduction of innovative tools of advanced smart patrols information technologies for the environment monitoring, seminar-training with participation of 30 specialists from Committee for Environmental protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Special Protected Areas, National Academy of Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and Forestry Agency as well as specialists from National Park of Lyakhsh and Sangvor and other Committee for Environmental protection entities was conducted in Dushanbe.

The main goal of the seminar-training was retraining of specialists and inspectors of Specially Protected Natural Territories, National Parks, as well as above mentioned centers and scientific organizations to innovative environmental monitoring programs for smart patrols, methods of accounting for wild animals, including snow leopard and its hunting species.

During the seminar-training, three points of integrated monitoring learning were connected, which were broadcasting in interactive mode with the NextGis program using feedback and exchange information in online mode with Moscow-Dushanbe-Sangvor.

NextGis mobile app is one of the modern information technologies to assess and analyze of wildlife, monitoring of Specially Protected Natural Territories in order to identify the quality of inspectors and improve the effectiveness of against poaching event activities.

The seminar was attended by representatives of the above-mentioned centers Mr. U. Akramov, Mrs. T. Novikova, Mr. Kh. Shermatov, Mr. N. Mavlonov, jointly with the specialists from the Russian Federation Mr. Eduard Kazakov and Mr. Mikhail Gusev, who were conducted a presentation and discussion.

Discussions were aimed to the issue of wildlife monitoring, the way of violations identification and poaching in Specially Protected Natural Territories, how to apply data to the map and use camera trap for monitoring of wildlife environment  and recording wild animals.

On the second day, July 28, 2021, the participants visited the Romit Reserve in order to learn about the flora and fauna of this area, as well as in the field condition they used the smart patroling smart program, monitored and recorded, and also learned how to install camera traps and post data into the program.

At the end of the seminar, all participants were awarded a certificate of specialist in the field of smart patrolings and they are able to train other employees and specialists in this area.


The Results of the seminar-training:

An intellectual NEXT GIS observation program was installed on the mobile phones and tablets by all invited specialists, aspects of monitoring were activated, used the program in the field conditions, identified the methods of offenses detection, animals monitoring, tried to use photo and video from camera traps.

Specialists will be able to use this control program in their control activities in the future, as well as teach other employees and experts in this area using experience and modern methods applied by coaches.

This action is aimed at improving electronic data management, including the use of space communication, increases the quality and scope of data collection and decision-making on the basis of useful conclusions, as well as helps prevent offenses and poaching on the territory of the PAs.

It is expected that obtained innovations and gained experience will first be applied to two Specially Potected Areas and further applying these methods and tools will cover all unique ecosystems and Specially Protected Areas of the country.