
Post Title Deadline Terms of Reference
Assistant Field Coordinator for Gender (Baljuvan). 10.01.2024 Download file
Assistant coordinator for gender in Rasht and Tajikabad. 10.01.2024 Download file
Assistant field coordinator for gender (Shahristan). 10.01.2024 Download file
National consultant journalist. 10.01.2024 Download file
National consultant on agrobiodiversity. 10.01.2024 Download file
National procurement consultant. 10.01.2024 Download file
National consultant for microloan portfolio assessment. 10.01.2024 Download file
National Monitoring Consultant. 10.01.2024 Download file
National Policy Consultant. 10.01.2024 Download file
National consultant for on-farm agrobiodiversity conservation. 10.01.2024 Download file
National consultant on field conservation of crop wild relatives. 10.01.2024 Download file
National Consultant for Sustainability and Participatory Plant Breeding. 10.01.2024 Download file
Field project coordinator in Baljuvan district. 10.01.2024 Download file
Field project coordinator in Rasht and Tajikabad districts. 10.01.2024 Download file
Field project coordinator in the Shahristan region. 10.01.2024 Download file
Administrative assistant. 10.01.2024 Download file
National IT and web design consultant. 10.01.2024 Download file
National Monitoring Consultant. 10.01.2024 Download file
IT and database expert 21.02.2022 Download file
Group of national experts on the introduction and implementation of the SMART patrol system in protected areas 21.02.2022 Download file
National expert in the preparation of information materials and publications on the results of the project 21.02.2022 Download file
Group of national experts to prepare a review of the state of use of high mountain pastures in Gissar-Alay and Vakhsh-Darvaz 21.02.2022 Download file
Group of national experts on assessing the state of pastures and determining the composition of fodder crops, eatable and edible grass species for ungulates and livestock in the high mountain pastures 21.02.2022 Download file
National expert on assessing the status of the forests in Gisar-Alay and Vakhsh-Darvaz 21.02.2022 Download file
Group of experts on the preparation of thematic cartographic materials on high mountain forests and pastures 21.02.2022 Download file
National Expert for the Small Grants Program 21.02.2022 Download file
National expert on the preparation of materials on the results of the project on wildlife monitoring and law enforcement 21.02.2022 Download file
Национальный эксперт по информационным технологиям для технического обеспечения реализации системы базы данных по смарт-патрулированию, и осуществлению связи между партнерами 22.03.2021 Download file
Lead national expert to coordinate project preparation and stakeholder engagement 15.02.2021 Download file
National Specialist for Dry Areas of High Conservation Value Forests 15.02.2021 Download file
National Specialist for Pasture Management and Restoration 15.02.2021 Download file
National expert in mapping and GIS 15.02.2021 Download file
Specialist in biodiversity, management and planning of protected areas 15.02.2021 Download file
Expert in Area Land Use Planning, Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Engagement 15.02.2021 Download file
Expert in assessing the effectiveness of the activities of specially protected natural areas 10.02.2021 Download file
Data Management Technical Expert to assist the Information Management Field Coordinator 01.02.2021 Download file
Team leader of group of experts 24.09.2020 Download file
National expert on organization and technical support of seminars and trainings 09.07.2020 Download file
National expert on the preparation of publications and the formation of project knowledge resources - within the group of experts 09.07.2020 Download file
National expert on organization and technical support of seminars and trainings 02.07.2020 Download file
National expert on the preparation of publications and the formation of project knowledge resources - within the group of experts 02.07.2020 Download file
National expert on raising the level of knowledge (communication and awareness) - within the group of experts 02.07.2020 Download file
National expert on the editing and design of information materials based on the project results 27.04.2020 Download file
National expert on communication and public awareness 27.04.2020 Download file
National legal expert on the preparation of the draft Law on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing and submission to the Parliament of the country 15.04.2020 Download file